There are examples of recent student essays on the “Free Stuff” page on this website. Look in the “Workshops Downloads” section.
Students wrote these essays in class after we had read and discussed three versions of the legend of La Llorona the day before. All reading and discussion was in the TL. Their task was to pick two versions to compare. Specifically, they were to analyze three important differences that they had noticed. I wanted them to re-read the stories, think critically about them and show what they could do with the written language. They wrote in class and could refer to the written versions of the legends, but no dictionaries were allowed.
The three versions of the legend were provided that were written with increasing levels of linguistic difficulty and story complexity.
These are examples of assignments and actual student products associated with the content of my workshop “Stories Worth Re-Telling: How to Teach with Legends,” which I will present at the big 2011 American Conference of Foreign Language Teachers (ACTFL) National Conference in Denver on Friday, November 18, 2011. I have also presented this workshop at the Colorado Congress of Foreign Language Teachers (CCFLT) Annual Conference and at the National TPR Storytelling (NTPRS) Conference with enthusiastic responses.
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