We all too often get our equations mixed up. Our internal SLA mental math, even after years of training, tends to veer off into the wrong direction. Here is what I mean:
We too often tend to think that Input equals Output, or as an equation, i = o. We think that if we say it and our students understand it, they should be able to produce it (“Do you understand, class? Good, now say it back to your partner.”). We go too fast because we have the wrong internal math going on. We see this improper SLA metal math inferred in materials and presentations all the time, but as Susie Gross famously says, “Comprehension precedes production… by a mile.”
Just because our students get it, doesn’t mean they can say it. We know this, but we forget it. Our internal equation needs to be more like: i ≠ o (Input is not equal to output)
Or, at the very least: i > o (Input is greater than output)
A better mental equation might be: i → o (Input leads to output, eventually)
But the best C.I. mental equation is something like this: iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii → o (Lots of input leads to output).
Works for me.
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