There is a supposed Indian proverb, popular on storytelling websites, which goes:  

“Tell me a fact and I will learn.  Tell me a truth and I will believe.  But tell me a story and it will live in my heart forever.” 

Based on what I have read about cognitive psychology, brain research and from observing myself and my students, I would change that a bit to something like:

“Tell me a fact and I will learn about 10% of it and then forget most of that within a couple of weeks.  Tell me a truth and I will believe a distorted version of it that compliments my preconceived biases.  But tell me a story and I have a shot at remembering at least part of it.” 

Stories are where acquisition is at.  This new version of the proverb isn’t quite as lyrical as the original, so it may not catch on, but I think it is more true-to-life.