Here are some more PAT activities shared by Diane Volzer:

Around the World
Sr. Wooly lyric game contest (if you can reserve computer lab and don’t mind the noise! I did this is pairs in a small class.)

Simon Says (works for the first few weeks of level I)

Manzanas a Manzanas/Apples to Apples (make my own cards and use each year)

La BombaRunning Dictation
Flashcard Centers (set up “stations” for kids to visit in pairs and quiz each other)
Mafia (upper level II and up)

Remember that kids can help make some of your materials.  For example, I spent 20 minutes one day giving groups of kids a review vocabulary list for flashcard making then we used the cards for the flashcard centers game the next day.  Because I did that for multiple sections of the same class, I had several sets of each list and was able to break the groups down into pairs.  And I have saved everything for next year!

I think Steve Benedict (?) has a webinar that is all or part games that was well worth the price.

My classes totally love games (the more active the better), but you might consider including videos, music marathons, karaoke, etc.  You could even open the prop/costume closet and have small groups prepare a scene from a novel you’re reading then have a drama contest (each group does same scene for repetition) or show.  This is an activity that will take the entire class period.

In the past I have used accumulated minutes each Friday to do PAT, but it gets tiresome by 4th quarter.  I was considering letting the kids accrue an entire class period before doing PAT.  I am suspecting for some reason that it will not be as effective.  Having a weekly reward was a high motivator in my classroom.  Maybe I will try to change to full class period PAT fourth quarter.

One more thought: teams.  Ben Slavic has described using teams, and it has worked great in my classes.  The first day of PAT is preparation.  I randomly assign teams and give them all of their earned PAT to come up with a team name and cheer and decorate a sheet of construction paper with their team names and team member names.  We use them throughout the quarter/semester/whatever you want.