Another question about preteaching vocabulary with the Persona Especial interviews. Steve writes:

I heard/saw nearly all of your webinar.  I loved the stuff about personalization. Personalization is the best way to get truly compelling CI and your ideas look like the best way of personalizing I have ever seen. Question: Do you pre-teach the structures? A lot of the questions seem to assume you do. You nearly said that if there is enough comprehensible input, all the structures students are ready to acquire are already there, you don’t have to preteach anything.
I do not specifically pre-teach structures with the Persona Especial activity, students normally pick them up as we go, and it always surprises me how much they have already picked up, especially from reading they have already done. The needful structures and vocabulary spread like wildfire and I couldn’t keep up the pace that the students acquire even if I were unusually organized. I do write useful words on a poster or on the board as they come up to clarify meanings and for absent students, or for those in other classes that are curious about what we are talking about, but the words and grammatical structures that they will actually be able to use come from our class discussions, particularly as I ask clarifying questions and focus in with real curiosity and attention on individual students.
Here is an example of the type of word poster I might put up in the classroom or post on my school website for students: