These are the Spanish classes our department will offer next year and I couldn’t be happier. Our school is medium sized (900 students), but we offer a diverse course listing.
Traditional Courses: Spanish 1, Spanish 2, Spanish 3, Spanish 4 and AP Spanish Language.
Other courses:
Native speakers have different needs than non-natives, so we have offered these two classes for some time:
• Spanish for Spanish Speakers 1 (for those that have had little to no formal schooling–limited literacy in Spanish)
• Spanish for Spanish Speakers 2 (for those that have had schooling and are close to grade level in Spanish reading ability)
These are new class for the upcoming school year. Both are input-based with no testing. Grade is based on attendance and participation. Pre and post tests will measure growth in language for district and state accountability.
• Conversational Spanish (offered as dual credit with local community college) This class will basically be “Persona Especial” all year long, interspersed with conversations of student interest and some world news. Multilevel class. Students will not be required to speak much, but I imagine most will want to.
• Reading in Spanish This is all Free Voluntary Reading. Students will read materials that are comprehensible and interesting to them. The teacher will model reading and help students to find engaging materials. Multilevel class, open to all that would like to have time to read.
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