The final post in this series (#(9/9), Comprehension Check and Discussion of Krashen’s Hypotheses, is found here.
There is overlap between each of these 3 hypotheses, as well as with the previous ones in this series.
The Net Hypothesis
(A refinement of the Input Hypothesis)
“Given enough comprehensible input at the i + 1 level, all the vocabulary and grammatical structures the student is ready to acquire is automatically provided.”
• i + 1 is the level of language that has been acquired (i) and just a little bit more (+1). i + 1 is a level of language that can be understood by the listener, often with the help of the context of the comprehended words around it, visuals or gestures. When students are exposed to language at this level they will effortlessly and unconsciously acquire the next structures they need.
• “When someone talks to you in a language you have not yet completely acquired so that you understand what is said, the speaker “casts a net” of structure around your current level of competence, your “i”. The net will include many instances of i + 1, aspects of language you are ready to acquire.” (Krashen, 2013, p. 33)
The Comprehension Hypothesis
(A revision the Input Hypothesis)
“We acquire language when we understand it.”
• Grammar and vocabulary are the result of language acquisition, not the cause.
• Language that is comprehended is pleasant and is acquired almost immediately. There is no need for delayed gratification. When students understand the language that is being used in class there is no need to convince students of this kind of thinking: “Someday, years from now, if you study these complicated verb charts long enough and hard enough, you will be able to order a cup of coffee in Spanish when you visit Madrid.”
The Reading Hypothesis
(A special case of the Comprehension Hypothesis)
“Reading is the source of our reading ability, writing ability, vocabulary, spelling, and grammar.”
• The more we read in a second language, the greater our vocabulary and understanding of grammar will be.
• The most powerful form of reading is free voluntary reading (FVR). FVR is the kind of reading we almost never allow students to do in school. It is reading what you want to read, when you want to read it and in the way you want to read it. It can mean reading books that are below or above your predicted reading level, if they appeal to you. It can mean reading just part of a book and putting it down and not picking it up again.
• Make regular self-selected reading a regular part of your classes. 10 minutes a day at the beginning of class (traditional 7 period school day) works for me.
The final post in this series (#(9/9), Comprehension Check and Discussion of Krashen’s Hypotheses, is found here.
(See the upcoming series on reading on this blog)
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