#YO TAMBIÉN, by Theresa Jensen, is another novel that tugs at your heart.
As she did with Luisany puede, Jensen once again puts the reader into the story emotionally. With deceptively simple language, she manages to tell a story that rings profoundly true. Both the language and the emotions just feel right. By crafting a compelling story at a language level that students can understand, she achieves here what all authors seek to do: tell a story that is both comprehensible and interesting.
Heartfelt and emotionally rending, Yo también is ultimately a story of hope and healing—and one that is needed. These are feelings that many have felt: from the desire to fit in, to the agony of betrayal, to being lied about, to social rejection, and to finally climbing out of despair. There is a palpable feeling of help and hope here—showing that while all scars may not heal, life can and does get better.
The story just feels real. Credible. By putting these deep feelings into the context of a compelling story, I can’t help but think that reading this novella may do more to raise awareness and change minds than lecturing or scolding—and students will acquire plenty of language along the way.
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