Classroom Observations


By |2017-10-11T13:22:15-06:00September 8th, 2015|

Last week three teachers from one school came to observe for an entire day. Here are some observations by award-winning middle school teacher, Jessica C. from Colorado Springs: Bryce, I just wanted to thank you for letting me spend the day observing your classes. I just can't say enough [...]


By |2018-04-11T11:49:02-06:00September 8th, 2015|

I have been grateful to have publisher and author Contee Seely observe my classes two times so far this year. Being watched by someone that literally wrote the book on TPRS (Fluency through TPR Storytelling, with Blaine Ray) could have been an intimidating experience, but Contee is so gracious [...]


By |2018-04-25T21:01:34-06:00March 3rd, 2014|

Rachel, a French major from Colorado State University, spent the entire week observing my classes. She is writing her capstone thesis for the honors program at CSU on TPRS and wanted to observe a classroom where she did not know the language so that she could experience the method from a student's [...]

iFLT Conference #5: Carol Hill’s Observations

By |2018-04-11T11:28:27-06:00August 4th, 2012|

Here is an observation of the learning lab at iFLT by Carol Hill (perhaps better known to many blog readers as "Chill") a French teacher from New Jersey, who attended the sessions for two days. I recently attended the iFLT conference in Breckenridge, Colorado where I was able to watch teachers [...]

iFLT Conference #4: Observations by Michele Whaley

By |2018-04-11T11:29:08-06:00August 3rd, 2012|

This was posted on Michele Whaley's blog,  Michele came to observe one of my learning lab sessions at iFLT a couple of weeks ago and posted her observations about it yesterday. Bryce Hedstrom’s 2012 iFLT by MJ I’m finally going to follow through on my promise to tell about Bryce’s [...]

iFLT Conference #3: Student Comments and Lessons Learned

By |2018-04-11T11:31:25-06:00July 22nd, 2012|

This last week I had the privilege of presenting at the second International Forum on Language Teaching Conference in Breckenridge, Colorado.  For two hours and fifteen minutes every morning I taught a group of intermediate secondary students that ranged from Spanish 2 to Spanish AP.  The challenge was to teach them using comprehensible input strategies [...]

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