Daily Routine

Reading Quote #9: Reading is Caught, Not Taught

By |2020-10-30T14:38:01-06:00October 30th, 2020|

          Find free reading materials on Storylabs, an online library for language learning. Access their free materials here: https://www.storylabs.online/freebies. The stories on Storylabs have accompanying audio, online and printable activities, as well as usage tracking so teachers can hold their students accountable. The text of [...]

Reading Quote #8: FVR is Motivating

By |2020-10-28T18:40:55-06:00October 29th, 2020|

The goal is lifelong readers... Bryce can teach you how to develop a successful multifaceted reading program. Drop him an email to find out more: contact@brycehedstrom.com. See a sample weekly schedule to promote healthy reading here. Here’s another quote from my new reading seminar. See a seminar description and [...]


By |2019-02-22T16:56:18-07:00February 22nd, 2019|

When you start a daily self-selected reading program your students will complain–even if you provide a wide selection. Even if you allow them to to select what they read. when the complaints roll in, have faith that they will subside if you stay strong. Here's what has worked for me: [...]


By |2018-08-15T12:37:10-06:00August 14th, 2018|

"Si al comienzo no muestras quién eres, nunca podrás después, cuando quisieres."  "If at first you do not show who you are, you will never be able to afterwards when you want to." From El Conde Lucanor, Cuento XXXV, by Don Juan Manuel (Medieval Castilian writer, 1282-1348). The first [...]

An Unusual Classroom Observation

By |2018-02-23T07:07:39-07:00February 22nd, 2018|

The way we teach with comprehensible input has applications to other disciplines and we are barely scratching the surface of ways that teaching like this can positively affect education. Last week I was pleased to have an unusual visitor in my classroom. Larry Currey, a math teacher at Liberty [...]


By |2018-02-14T20:55:50-07:00February 14th, 2018|

I enjoy teaching with very few props or electronics. Relationship-based teaching (passwords, discussing reading and persona especial interviews) propped up by well-honed TPRS questioning skills are the go-to tactics in my classroom. But I have discovered that there are two tools without which I can no longer function optimally, [...]

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