Extensive Reading (FVR)

Quantity Beats Quality

By |2022-08-19T13:21:08-06:00August 19th, 2022|

(This is a excerpt from my book and workshop: Hi-Impact Reading Strategies: How to Accelerate Fluency and Proficiency with Reading. Get the book in hard copy here and the eBook here.) When designing your Independent Reading Program this year, consider this. An interesting experiment is described in the book [...]


By |2022-08-19T08:48:47-06:00August 15th, 2022|

Kelly, a reader of this blog, writes: Thank you for the thorough and interesting materials on your website.  I am experimenting with a bunch of them this year, especially the SSR and Quickwrite components of a daily schedule. . A quick question - would you allow students to listen to [...]

New Book by John Sifert

By |2022-02-17T21:31:39-07:00February 17th, 2022|

La decisión más peligrosa, by John Sifert Book Review by Jennifer Degenhardt If you have not heard of this book yet, please let this serve as your introduction. GET IT NOW! (Click here) This second-in-the-series book by John Sifert is...WOW! The story has some new characters than the first [...]

Sharing Books

By |2021-11-18T17:30:25-07:00November 18th, 2021|

Kids like sharing books. I've had students pass books from hand to hand outside of class for weeks because they found them so compelling. Paper books are superior in almost every way. Digital books are infinitely better than no books, but begin thinking about how to budget for and [...]

Hi-Impact Reading Strategies

By |2021-09-15T22:04:42-06:00September 15th, 2021|

It's here! I have been working on this book for a year and a half, (well, actually, my whole career). And it's finally done. This is the best of what I teach teachers. It is some of the best work I have ever written, a distillation of all my [...]

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