iFLT Conference #5: Carol Hill’s Observations

By |2018-04-11T11:28:27-06:00August 4th, 2012|

Here is an observation of the learning lab at iFLT by Carol Hill (perhaps better known to many blog readers as "Chill") a French teacher from New Jersey, who attended the sessions for two days. I recently attended the iFLT conference in Breckenridge, Colorado where I was able to watch teachers [...]

iFLT Conference #4: Observations by Michele Whaley

By |2018-04-11T11:29:08-06:00August 3rd, 2012|

This was posted on Michele Whaley's blog, http://mjtprs.wordpress.com/.  Michele came to observe one of my learning lab sessions at iFLT a couple of weeks ago and posted her observations about it yesterday. Bryce Hedstrom’s 2012 iFLT by MJ I’m finally going to follow through on my promise to tell about Bryce’s [...]

iFLT Conference #3: Student Comments and Lessons Learned

By |2018-04-11T11:31:25-06:00July 22nd, 2012|

This last week I had the privilege of presenting at the second International Forum on Language Teaching Conference in Breckenridge, Colorado.  For two hours and fifteen minutes every morning I taught a group of intermediate secondary students that ranged from Spanish 2 to Spanish AP.  The challenge was to teach them using comprehensible input strategies [...]

iFLT Conference #2: Student Comments and Lessons Learned

By |2018-04-11T11:32:17-06:00July 21st, 2012|

This last week I had the privilege of presenting at the second International Forum on Language Teaching Conference in Breckenridge, Colorado.  For two hours and fifteen minutes every morning I taught a group of intermediate secondary students that ranged from Spanish 2 to Spanish AP.  The challenge was to teach them using comprehensible input strategies [...]

iFLT Conference #1: Comments by Mary Beth Johnson

By |2018-04-11T11:01:31-06:00July 21st, 2012|

This last week I had the privilege of presenting at the second International Forum on Language Teaching Conference (2012) in Breckenridge, Colorado. For two hours and fifteen minutes every morning I taught a group of intermediate secondary students that ranged from Spanish 2 to Spanish AP. The challenge was to teach [...]

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