These are the results of Special Person Quiz #2, the second full week of school. This week we interviewed just three students. Since the verb “tiene” (has) had been added there were many more opportunities for questions, answers, comments, clarifications and follow up than with the meager vocabulary student had last week.
Students were to write at least 15 sentences with no notes, and I told them not to hold themselves back. They were to “show what they know” and impress me by writing as many sentences based on what had been shared in class by the three interviewees. Students only had to write 15 sentences and it was practically a given that everyone would get a 100%, so I wanted them to demonstrate how much they were getting. I do not give extra credit on these quizzes because so many students write more than the minimum requirements. I try to get them not to play the “just do enough for credit” game.
This girl’s paper was typical and was not the most sentences written by a student in her class. She was one of the three interviewees this week, so when writing about herself (#9 – #17, #28) she used the first person. She used the third person for her other two classmates.
Is it perfect Spanish? No. Is it good enough for the second week of school? I think so. Will she and her classmates be encouraged that they can actually learn some valuable Spanish and have hope that they will be able to communicate? Absolutely.
Here are the oral instructions I gave for the quiz and the instructions for grading:
This quiz will be over three (3) of your classmates that we spoke with in class this week. The teacher will write the names of these three interviewed students on the board.
- Write in complete sentences in Spanish.
- Write at least 15 sentences about the three classmates we interviewed this week. Write more if you are able. Write 20 or 25 or 30 sentences if you can. Show what you know. Do not just do the minimum to get by. Turn yourself loose. Do not hold yourself back.
- On this quiz writing the student’s name in a simple sentence will not count. For example, “Se llama Brigham.” will not be a valid answer because the names are given. You may write “Se llama…” as part of a longer sentence, if you like: Se llama Brigham, pero prefiere Brig.
- You must write at least one (1) sentence about each person we interviewed. You may write many sentences about one student, if you wish. That is OK because some people share more or we just happened to be able to speak with them more due to time or knowing the words that would help us to interview that particular person right now.
- Only information that was shared with the class is valid. You cannot write 50 sentences about your own self or your best friend.
- It must be accurate. If the interviewee said she had one dog and you write that she has five dogs, that sentence does not count.
- If you are one of the people on the quiz you write the sentences about yourself in the first person.
Grading Criteria:
1) Is this something that was shared in class?
2) Is it accurate?
3) Is it comprehensible? Can you understand what was written?
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