Draw 25?
This UNO game meme is going around: showing someone unwilling to engage. Adjusted here for our profession. Your thoughts?
This UNO game meme is going around: showing someone unwilling to engage. Adjusted here for our profession. Your thoughts?
ST. LOUIS, MO—The rumors are confirmed: local authorities are issuing eclipse glasses to any teacher who wants to review the latest brilliant initiatives by the State Board of Education. “It’s just no longer worth the risk,” district public relations official Les Tokaboudit told reporters. “Every week in our great [...]
You know those one-sheet homemade ads you see on lampposts around town? The kind that are popular on college campuses? The kind with the little tear off tabs? I have been experimenting with similar fake ads for my students to enjoy before they get into the classroom. The goal [...]
This is a recent joke in Spanish (& in English on the second page: THE JOB AT THE ZOO ) that my kids liked. More and more, I like telling jokes that have an impact at multiple levels. This one is funny and students can relate to it, but it [...]