Reading Reports


By |2023-02-06T20:00:35-07:00February 6th, 2023|

My students have had success with  Focused Reading Book Reports.  These are not your typical summary book reports. They each have a specific point for students to concentrate on as they think about the book. Download these forms for free and try them out with some of your students. [...]


By |2022-08-19T08:48:47-06:00August 15th, 2022|

Kelly, a reader of this blog, writes: Thank you for the thorough and interesting materials on your website.  I am experimenting with a bunch of them this year, especially the SSR and Quickwrite components of a daily schedule. . A quick question - would you allow students to listen to [...]

Hi-Impact Reading Strategies

By |2021-09-15T22:04:42-06:00September 15th, 2021|

It's here! I have been working on this book for a year and a half, (well, actually, my whole career). And it's finally done. This is the best of what I teach teachers. It is some of the best work I have ever written, a distillation of all my [...]

Dual Entry Reading Journals

By |2020-07-17T17:15:02-06:00July 17th, 2020|

I'm working on a handbook for reading for my upcoming BER seminars, so I've been focused on reading lately and I want to share some tidbits early. Dual Entry Reading Journals are a tool to measure reading comprehension with a medium level of accountability. With this form, students can [...]

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