

By |2021-11-07T07:57:07-07:00November 7th, 2021|

I was invited to be a guest lecturer for two sessions in the EDUC-462-001: Methods and Assessment in Teaching Languages class at Colorado State University. It was a mix of graduate and undergraduate students. All were either teaching college language courses or doing student teaching at the secondary level [...]

Hi-Impact Reading Strategies

By |2021-09-15T22:04:42-06:00September 15th, 2021|

It's here! I have been working on this book for a year and a half, (well, actually, my whole career). And it's finally done. This is the best of what I teach teachers. It is some of the best work I have ever written, a distillation of all my [...]

Start the School Right and Get Students Reading

By |2021-08-11T14:29:44-06:00August 11th, 2021|

This just-published unit can be the first full story of the school year for a Spanish I class. It can be told at the beginning of the second or third week of class, or it can be saved until later. It explains how to get students reading right away. [...]

Reading Quote #37: Stop the Interruptions!

By |2020-11-24T13:34:48-07:00November 28th, 2020|

Once reading has been interrupted, it takes time to re-focus, so maybe we should take some advice from an old rock band: TIME NECESSARY TO REFOCUS AFTER INTERRUPTIONS • 23 Minutes:  Mark, Gloria, The Cost of Interrupted Work https://www.ics.uci.edu/~gmark/chi08-mark.pdf • 15 Minutes:  Vasicek, Brent (2011). Squirrel! Distractions in the [...]


By |2020-08-31T19:39:52-06:00August 31st, 2020|

(A 5-minute read) This lesson may be easier to read and print out in another format. You can find it in a PDF here:  QUESTION-DRIVEN GRAMMAR IN SPECIAL PERSON INTERVIEWS  The teacher has great power to control student interviews, just by the nature of the questions directed at the student. [...]

I Want My Students to Produce More & Better Output!

By |2020-02-27T16:09:51-07:00February 27th, 2020|

We all want more and better output from our students, but how does that happen? The iceberg is students' total acquisition. The part above the water line is what they can say and write–the messages they can produce. The bigger part under water is what students can comprehend by [...]

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