In spring of 2022 Bryce’s adult daughter asked him to teach Latin at the classical school she was starting in the fall. Bryce had plenty of experience teaching languages, but he didn’t know Latin. He was determined to help her, so he began to learn Latin the way he suggests languages be taught—comprehensibly & communicatively. He read over 50 vocabulary-controlled novellas in Latin (see the book list below) and began teaching Latin as a part time volunteer in the fall of 2022.
He taught Latin in the 2022-2023 and 2023-2024 school years and he’s teaching Latin again this school year (2024-2025). While still no expert in the language, he continues to learn Latin and loves it. The students are learning and enjoying the Latin classes because Bryce is applying his vast teaching experience, professional connections, humor, artwork, and knowledge of comprehension and communicative-based teaching methods to the task.
This page is devoted to sharing what Bryce is picking up about teaching and learning on itinerarium suum Latinum (his Latin journey).
We all get better when we work together. Let’s talk with each other. Please add your thoughts, observations, advice, constructive criticism and questions! Write me at:
NOTA BENE: Be sure to also check out Bryce’s Latin Instagram page!
Build Your Own Latin Class Book Share Program with
Free Voluntary Reading works. Reading self-selected books independently can launch your students to previously unknown levels of acquisition. This is reading for pleasure and reading for meaning, not the traditional reading to decode.
Here is a list of Recommended Latin Books for building a LATIN CLASS BOOK SHARE PROGRAM. This is a list of materials and advice on how to guide students to read joyfully and independently. With the right kind of instruction and help students can start reading much earlier than you might imagine. Recommended vocabulary-controlled chapter books in Latin begin on page 6 of the Book Share document.
The authors of the books on the lists in the link above follow the dictum of my mentor Susan Gross: “Shelter vocabulary, not grammar,” which means the vocabulary used in materials should be controlled and limited, but natural grammar should be used; id est, protect students from too much exposure to unknown words, but use natural grammar as needed in the message.
The authors of vocabulary-controlled Latin readers strive to make their books understandable and compelling to students. The result is interesting and comprehensible reading material. I have read each of the books on the Latin Book Share list linked above and vetted them for appropriateness, vocabulary control, and compelling stories. Most of these novellas also have cultural and/or historical content, which is a big plus: the three C’s of the language learning, the triple play: Comprehensible, Compelling & Cultural.
The goal is for the reading to be comprehensible and interesting to students. Here are some specific techniques to get students reading:
– Prepare Them with the Right Vocabulary—And Use It Comprehensibly.
Begin teaching your novice students high frequency verbs. Here is a lesson plan, Puella parva et liber magnus, for the first week or two of school with a novice class. This has worked well with novice students from 3rd grade to 11th grade. With preparation like this, students can start reading the simplest novels on the book list above right away.
Here is a novice version of Rōmulus et Remus for a novice class for later in the school year. It is written as an embedded reading story with activities and an extensive oral review. Be sure to see the example of a 4th grade student’s assessment at the end of the document.
Besides pre-teaching vocabulary with classical TPR (Total Physical Response) gestures, flashcards can be helpful for beginners. Flashcards can help to get vocabulary into short-term memory and prepare students to acquire the words as they listen in class and read on their own. Here ( ) is a document explaining why and how to use flashcards and links to the research that indicates flashcards can be helpful.
– Have Books Available.
An ample supply of books in your classroom library is a must. A wide variety of unique word counts and genres is what will draw them in. If you’re lacking funds to increase your classroom library read this. There is money available to buy books, you may just have to look for it and ask the right people for it, but there are funds available and people that want to help you.
– Expect Students to Read.
For upper elementary and middle school Latin students, a reasonable expectation is to read a minimum of one hour per week in Latin outside of class (15 minutes 4x/week, or 30 minutes 2x/week). This will be 2,000 to 5,000 total words every week outside of class. This is at least one novice-level reader per week. Once they get the confidence and the right books, many will voluntarily read more than this.
Students tend to read more slowly in a new language, perhaps 1/2 to 1/3 as fast as in their first language at first.
The average reading rates for elementary age students are: 3rd grade: 107-162 wpm (words per minute), 4th grade: 123-180 wpm, and 5th grade 139-194 wpm. So the reduced fraction for reading in Latin may be something like 3rd grade: 35 wpm, 4th grade: 40 wpm, 5th grade: 45 wpm. So, in order to read 2,000 total words in Latin elementary students would likely need about: 57 minutes (3rd grade), 50 minutes (4th grade), and 45 minutes (5th grade).
The average reading speed of middle school students (ages 11-14) is 150-200 words per minute (wpm) in their first language (L1). If they are reading at a fraction of that rate in Latin, say 50 words per minute, or 1/3 of the reading rate in L1, 60 minutes of reading time outside of class per week would be 3,000 words, equal to at least one short Latin novella.
For high school students, the reading expectation is to read in Latin outside of class a minimum of 100 minutes per week outside of class (35 minutes 3x/week, or 20 minutes 5x/week) which will likely be between 4,000 to 10,000 words a week. This will be at least one novice-high to intermediate low novel per week. Many students will voluntarily begin to read more once this habit is established and they find that reading in Latin is doable and enjoyable. These expectations are not too much for high school students. They may even be a bit too low.
For high school students (ages 14-18), the average reading rate is 200-300 words per minute in L1. A similar fraction of that rate would be 70 words per minute, which would be about an hour (57 minutes) of reading in Latin per week for 4,000 words.
PhD candidate Eric Herman (The Acquisition Classroom) suggests that when students are reading L2 at an appropriate level, they may begin to approach their L1 reading speed. The ideal reading level is understanding 95%-98% of the words on the page. At that level of understanding, reading speed in L2 will be close to that of L1.
Source for average reading rates in L1.
– Help Students Find Suitable Books.
The teacher needs to know both the students and the books in the classroom library to help them find good matches. Reading levels and student interests are the two big issues big issues. It is helpful to know what their friends and peers in other classes or schools are reading too. Coach them that reading several books by the same author can help them to grow in their literacy in the target language —so can reading several accounts of the same story at ascending reading levels. Both of those are available on the Book Share reading list in the link above. This poster and your advice can help students to choose books that match their interests, aptitudes and goals.
– Give Students Attention and Respect.
This is what everybody craves and hardly anyone gets enough of. Catch them “being good.” Notice when they’re reading and what they’re reading. Talk with students about what they have read. Ask their opinions about parts of books that you both have read. Let the respect flow from your face and body language. Give them attention with your tone of voice and your questions. They’re looking for approval. Give it to them. It goes a long ways.
– Assess (Just a Bit).
Check up on your students’ reading, but not too much. Light, occasional assessment can help to keep students honest and on track—just don’t do it too much. A regular (just once a week) informal oral explanation in class may be best. At other times, ask students to write a short book appreciation, a Reading Reflection. Once every four weeks or so assign a Dual Entry Journal report on what they’ve read. this can help you to see what they’re understanding and thinking about as they read. Occasionally (once a semester) have them write a more detailed Focused Book Report like this, this, or this can help to see what students are reflecting and processing.
This is what has worked for me. The advice and reading assessments above are from my book Hi-Impact Reading Strategies: How to Accelerate Fluency and Proficiency with Reading. Get it here.
Especially for Latin Teachers that Use Legacy Methods:
I. This paper, Latin Vocabulary and Reading Latin: Challenges and Opportunities, discusses the state of Latin education, particularly the issue of acquiring enough vocabulary to read Latin fluently and how teaching with comprehensible input can help.
II. Latin Mottos: Latin mottos can be used as “passwords“. Students say a predetermined phrase and answer a question about it to enter the Latin classroom. We use these because I want students to:
1) Recognize Latin phrases used by educated English speakers even if they do not continue Latin at upper levels.
2) Have some solid quotes ready to use in their written and oral reports—this helped with my Spanish students’ credibility on high-stakes testing. See examples of mottos and well-known cultural phrases from Spanish culture here.
3) Absorb wisdom from Latin that will help them the rest of their lives.
Here are the Latin mottos I am considering for the 2024-2025 school year. What are your thoughts?
III. Videos. Here are some videos about acquiring language with Comprehensible Input. I have found them interesting and helpful.
Don’t Try to Memorize Vocabulary:
Don’t Focus on Grammar (mentions Manfred Spitzer German neuroscientist)
1) Brains are good at recognizing patterns, not so much memorizing details : Languages existed before formal grammar was developed.
2) Focus on grammar takes away from input — meaningful language listening and reading.. Biggest obstacle is the lack vocabulary, not the details of grammar.
3) Grammar instruction = tests, does not help to recognize patterns, creates stress.
4) Focus on grammar raises the affective filter.
5) Limited variety of content. Grammar instruction tends to focus on specific rules and examples — students learn less and less because the context is so limited.
Do Not Study Grammar:
Grammar is taught because it can be tested easily but grammar does not help much with speaking or reading fluency.
Get the thinnest possible grammar book that explains it with examples, without exercises, without drills, but look it over regularly.
Latin teachers, have you read Latin translations of beloved children’s books? J.R.R. Tolkien’s The Hobbit is written in Latin and it is well worth your time. There is so much to praise in this translation by Mark Walker. Mr. Walker writes in the introduction that he made the translation “to be read solely for the pleasure of reading, not one to be studied.” This is real reading, reading for pleasure rather than decoding. Teaching our students to read in Latin for meaning and for pleasure will bring greater results than forcing them to read materials that are beyond their abilities right now.
I couldn’t help but take a few notes along the way to share with my students and other Latinists. Here is a piece I wrote about Hobbitus Ille.
Passwords are phrases that students are asked to say in the target language before entering the classroom each day. It is a way to connect with each student and to get them thinking about the language before class begins. And students remember them. At the end of the school year every student in both middle school and high school classes can write out 90%-100% of the passwords in Latin and also explain the context and use.
We used common Latin “mottos” as passwords. Mottos are Latin phrases that literate English speakers know from science, medicine, law, religion and cultural wisdom. Here are 25 LATIN MOTTOS AS PASSWORDS from the 2022-2023 school year. Here are the Passwords/Mottos from the 2023-2024.
Latin Rejoinders Rejoinders are short, common phrases that people use all the time. They are helpful in a Latin class because they let students express themselves without breaking into English. Here is a video of master Spanish teacher Grant Boulanger presenting rejoinders in a middle school class the second week of school. Notice the good teaching techniques he is using. For more about rejoinders look here.
The Discipulus Illustris, or Special Person Interview, can be a regular year-long part of a Latin language class. These questions help to get to know interesting details about students. And because they are real facts, the language sticks with them. The questions in the link were adapted from Lance Piantaggini’s Latin version of my original “Special Person” interviews. I had each page of these questions expanded to poster size and put them on the wall of the classroom. Here are the DISCIPVLVS ILLVSTRIS posters. For tips and techniques to make Special Person interviews work, read here.
This is a hands-on activity to raise student awareness about the use of Latin in our modern culture. Here is a worksheet for students to fill out as they examine the coins and bills.
I made this poster of Roman numerals and put it on the wall of the classroom. Using the laser pointer or my wooden Roman sword as a pointer helped students to get these as I referred to page numbers or question numbers.
We also occasionally play a counting game that the kids ended up calling gladiator parvus after a character in the novella Rūfus et arma ātra, by Lance Piantaginni, which we were reading first semester in the middle school Latin 1A class. (I got the little gladiator figurine on Amazon for $15.00). The idea was to hide the gladiator figurine and have a student look for it. The other students counted aloud in Latin as the student searched. The hints were in the volume. Farther from the gladiator: whispering the count. Closer to the gladiator: counting louder. Right beside it: screaming numbers in Latin. Very fun. We kept score, both high and low. Record low: Count of IV (!). Record high: Count of CXII.
Cartoons with Roman numerals are fun and helpful with learning the numbers too. The illustrations help with comprehensibility and the humor helps make it interesting. It’s all part of teaching with Comprehensible Input (CI).
The Pi Challenge:
There’s nothing wrong with a bit of cross-curricular instruction or with training students to exercise their memories. Pi Day, March 14 (3/14, Get it?), has become quite popular with math and science teachers in recent years. We can use this enthusiasm to motivate students to learn about this fascinating number and to do some impressive memorization in Latin and other world languages. I issued this challenge in my Spanish classes for years. It was always a hit—one 9th grade girl memorized 100 digits in Spanish!
This doesn’t really help with Latin fluency but it is impressive— and it exercises their memory muscles, it’s in Latin, and it makes them proud. That’s got to count for something!
Check out this LATIN PI DAY CHALLENGE. The highest number of digits of Pi memorized in my middle school Latin class in 2024 was 62 digits. Three other students memorized at least 50 digits. All students could recite a significant amount. There were even four intrepid younger siblings (ages 7, 7, 6,and 4) recited at least 10 digits. In Latin. No notes. Not bad. Then we had pie. Think about doing this with your students.
Use Memes and Humor
Use posters like these in the hallway outside of the Latin classroom prod students to think as they enter the classroom with the Latin password. With these poster we are trying to delight, persuade, and move students to engage with Latin—to become enthusiastic lifelong learners. Some are designed to make them think, others just to amuse them. This is part of an overall strategy of getting students to engage with the subject.
Feel free to download these and put them up in your classroom or hallway.
I did the same for my Spanish students for years too. Share this Spanish poster collection with your Spanish teacher colleagues.
You have permission to use these.
- These posts and many more are on my Latin Instagram page