EBOOK-Hi-Impact Reading Strategies (All Levels)

EBOOK-Hi-Impact Reading Strategies (All Levels)


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This book is for language teachers—world language teachers, heritage language teachers, ELL teachers and EFL teachers. It was born out of over 30 years of teaching in classrooms from middle school to college, and it is meant to be both inspirational and practical—a way to get students engaged with reading and keep them there. The focus is on real applications and real understanding of how to teach reading and justification from researchers and classroom experts. The book is filled with quotes by these experts to help justify your case for extensive reading and to encourage you that you are on track with it.

Everyone from new teachers to veterans will benefit from the hands-on approach here. There are citations from scholars in second language acquisition and classroom teachers to appease curiosity and convince skeptical colleagues and administrators that high volume reading works.

The two key precepts here are: 1) Reading is an important part of learning language, and 2) only by reading do students become better readers. Neither of these are startling ideas, but teachers do not hear enough about the effectiveness of a steady schedule of regular reading in the classroom—and they don’t have a plan to make it work. Too often, world language teachers are missing training on this crucial aspect of acquisition in their university methods courses. And even authors and teacher trainers may not spend enough time explaining the day-to-day routines that make reading work.

Learning loss can be compensated by a regular multifaceted reading program. This book and the accompanying seminar explain the what, why, and how to implement four key reading strategies that will revolutionize your students’ acquisition and enjoyment.  219 pages.

1 review for EBOOK-Hi-Impact Reading Strategies (All Levels)

  1. Bryce Hedstrom

    “Great resource and a must read. I haven’t read it cover to cover ( yet – still working on it ) but what I have has been practical and made a visible difference in my teaching for the better.”
    Rating: 5/5 (extremely satisfied).
    Melanie T.

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