“Be what you want to be, not what others want to see”.
Pata Sucia is a fly with an identity crisis. She tries to make herself useful, but she feels like a nuisance. People say she is an annoying fly. No wonder Pata Sucia is unhappy. She doesn’t want to be a dirty fly! Yuck!
One day she meets the bees and sees how useful and loved they are. She decides: ‘I will become a bee!’. But the world around her doesn’t always affirm her truth. Can Pata Sucia reinvent herself when she is stuck in the body of a fly?
Additional Information:
This is a book in the Por Si Las Moscas series.
En boca cerrada no entran moscas (by Adriana Ramírez)
Soy yo, la mosca (by Adriana Ramírez )
Mosca, ¡¡Mosca!! (by Margarita Pérez García)
Cara de mosquita muerta (by Adriana Ramírez )
- Level 1
- Unique Word Count: 92
- Total Word Count: 3,548
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