Bryce provides custom consultations for world language teachers in the following areas:

Workshops/Conferences/Keynote Addresses

Bryce provides a variety of workshops and presentations that will inspire and inform teachers at all levels.

Teacher Coaching

On-site or virtual visits. Classroom observations with specific, helpful, positive critiques to help teachers improve their craft. Being observed and coached by an expert veteran teacher is what has helped me the most in developing my skills as a classroom teacher. Coworkers often don’t take the suggestions of colleagues well, but the observations and comments of an outsider can be more acceptable and provoke real change.

Guest Teaching

Bryce will visit your school and teach classes to model effective techniques. Take advantage of his experience and get modeling with your students as you and other instructors observe. We will follow up with discussion sessions to answer observers’ questions and strategize how the observed techniques can be implemented with your staff.

Curriculum Design

Bryce has a master’s degree in curriculum and instruction and years of practical application in designing world language curricula at all levels. He has served on state curriculum task forces and has coached teams in developing courses that meet their students’ needs. You can achieve your professional goals by helping your teachers to design effective and engaging units and lessons based on solid SLA research and practical psychological insights.

Teaching Content in the Target Language

Teaching engaging content in the target language is a skill all language teachers need and it can be taught. Bryce will guide you in how to choose engaging topics and how to present them in a comprehensible and compelling ways. He will also train and guide you in developing your own content-rich materials.


To discuss or book any of these services, or to ask about related services that are not listed above, please contact us with this form: