Preferred Activity Time Activities


By |2012-07-10T12:56:39-06:00July 10th, 2012|

Here are some more PAT activities shared by Diane Volzer: Hangman Around the World Sr. Wooly lyric game contest (if you can reserve computer lab and don't mind the noise! I did this is pairs in a small class.) Charades Simon Says (works for the first few weeks of [...]

P.A.T. (Preferred Activity Time) Activities #1

By |2017-10-11T13:22:19-06:00November 6th, 2011|

I mentioned PAT a few days ago and have been getting some requests for examples. . The idea of Preferred Activity Time as a positive consequence for desirable class behavior comes from Fred Jones' book "Tools for Teaching"".   On his web site he has many ideas, and you may want [...]

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